Open poster session: Monday 16th March 2020

The European Fiscal-Military System 1530–1870 project team is holding a poster session at All Souls College on Monday 16th March. This is an opportunity on to find out more about the case studies which underpin the project, the issues and concepts the team is working with and to critically engage with our research questions, core concepts and methodology.

The poster event will take place on Monday 16th March from 09.30 – 11.00 at the Wharton Room, All Souls, and will be the opening session of a two day workshop with members of the project’s International Advisory Board.


Come and meet our research team and board members:

The European Fiscal-Military System 1530–1870 Research Team:

Michael Martoccio (for the Genoa case study)

John Condren (for the Geneva case study)

Cathleen Sarti (for the Baltic case study)

Aaron Graham (for the London case study)

Jeannette Kamp (for the Amsterdam and Northern Europe case study)


The European Fiscal-Military System 1530–1870 International Advisory Board:

Guy Rowlands (St Andrews)

Rafael Torres Sánchez (Navarra)

Marjolein t’Hart (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)

Svante Norrhem (Lund)

Patrick O’Brien (London School of Economics)


If you would like to attend please email .