New article: "Provisions, Passports and the Problems of International Warfare in Early Eighteenth-Century Northern Italy"

We would like to announce the online publication of a new project article: Aaron Graham and Michael Martoccio, "Provisions, Passports and the Problems of International Warfare in Early Eighteenth-Century Northern Italy: A Micro-Historical Study," European History Quarterly 53 (2023). 

The article examines how a small event - a single shipment of grain across Northern Italy in the eighteenth century - can reveal the overlapping personal, diplomatic, and commercial layers of the fiscal-military system.

Since the completion of this article, Dr Graham has most unfortunately passed away from a short illness. While his loss remains painful, this article speaks to Aaron's supreme qualities as a scholar, colleague, and friend.


Provisions, Passports and the Problems of International Warfare in Early Eighteenth-Century Northern Italy: A Micro-Historical Study - Aaron Graham, Michael Paul Martoccio, 2023 (